One of our favorite things about the city is the ability to silently watch for dogs while sitting in a Starbucks, mooching WiFi, and avoiding work – not that we would know. Our love of dogs here at NYBits runs deep, that we once ran six blocks in $200 Tieks to pet an Irish setter, which was honestly worth it. However, that got us thinking – we see many dogs on these Empire streets, but we’ve never talked about what pets are allowed in NYC apartments. So here we are, about to cover it all – including some surprising types of pets you can keep in NYC.
First off, we should clarify that not all apartments allow pets – but all should allow emotional support animals and service animals if you have the proper documentation to do so. These ESA and service animals are usually dogs – unless you’ve found a way to train a potbelly pig to calm you down in moments of distress or dire need. (The snorting is pretty comforting.)
If you don’t have an ESA or a service animal but a regular pet such as a cat or dog, you’re going to have to go through the proper channels to let your landlord know. You might be hit with monthly pet fees or a pet deposit, depending on your landlord.
Also, look out for breed restrictions, which usually restrict aggressive breeds (Rotties, pitties, etc.) Most people who do have these breed mixes usually tend to claim them as mutts or terriers on the information forms they fill out – not that we recommend dishonesty (wink wink). There may also be weight and several pet restrictions that you need to watch out for.
Other pets that you can have include small, caged birds, fish, smaller animals like hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, or gerbils. And here’s where we get into the surprising types of pets you can keep in NYC. You can also have parakeets, pigeons, canary, hens, female chickens, as well as a non-snapping turtle larger than 4 inches.

Also on the list of can keep animals are certain reptiles and, interestingly enough, honeybees.
Pets that you cannot have include exotic ones such as squirrels, pigs, iguanas, ferrets – because the city of New York doesn’t allow us to have fun. Others on the no-keep list include everything from tarantulas and deer to sharks, lions, and tigers, thanks to Joe Exotic and Carol Baskin. If you’re considering taking up falconry as a side hobby, don’t – falcons, hawks, eagles, and other predatory birds are also super illegal in our fair city. Farm animals such as sheep and pigs also can’t be kept in NYC apartments – you’d think this would be common sense, but even in a city as large as New York, common sense isn’t as common as you think.
If you think that someone you know is violating the pet policy or keeping and selling illegal and wild animals, you can report them through the New York City Housing Authority website. Moreover, if you have an unlawful animal you’d like to drop off, you can do so through any of the Animal Care shelters in any borough without receiving a violation.
So there we go! There are some surprising types of pets you can keep in NYC! Do you know anyone who had an unusual animal while living in Gotham? Let us know!
And if you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy: “Discover 5 Dog Friendly Restaurants to Take Your Pup to in the NYC Summer” and “Your Dog in NYC: How to Live Together“.